Tuesday, 8 October 2013


1.       Are you female or male?


Female                  Male


2.       Have you ever read the college magazine?


Yes                        No


3.       How often would you want the college the magazine if you were forced to have it?


Weekly                  Monthly                Half-term                 Term


4.       Would you be prepared to pay for the college magazine?


Yes                          No

If yes, how much?


50P                        £1                      £1.25                   £1.50


5.       Would you like freebies, discounts and special offers with the magazine?


Yes                       No


6.       What features would you like to see in the magazine?


Music                  Technology                   Games                   College life

FAQ                     Fashion                          Art                          Job support

Politics                Environmental issues


7.       What colours would attract you to the college magazine?




8.       What would you like to see on the front cover of the college magazine?


People/students                 Technology                  Nature               Student work


9.       Would an online version of the magazine encourage you to read it?


Yes                       No

10.   Would you be interested in contributing to the college magazine?

Yes                 No

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