Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Questionnaire analysis

Questionnaire analysis

From looking at my survey, I can see that 40% of the people that answered were male and 60% female. When I asked if they read the college magazine, 95% said no- This means that the magazine doesn’t reach its target audience. I asked them what time they would want their magazine e.g. weekly, monthly, per term. 55% said monthly. The results from asking the price was that 55% said they would pay nothing although 90% said that they would pay for discounts and freebees. The subjects they wanted to see in the magazine were: Technology, Fashion, Food, Jobs and music. And the highest voted colours were blue, red and yellow and what they wanted to see on the front cover is people/students (45% voted). 65% would want to see an online version. Finally 20% would contribute to help the magazine.

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